Sunday, May 18, 2008


My free day began with sleeping in. I really needed it. Then I actually got the privilege to watch the Lakers defeat the Jazz and advance to the Western Conference finals. ('s my free day) After the game was over, we left to go eat lunch inside the old city. The restaurant was Papa Andrea's. Good food for sure. Good ole Mediterranean food. Can't say that I don't love it. It's amazing. After that, we walked the Via Dolorosa. An amazing experience. We started out at the pool of Bethesda and made our way all the way to the Church of the Resurrection. I'm kinda getting tired of blazing through things. We need to slow down. I can't digest these things that fast. It's as if as we are doing them...I'm being insanely irreverent. I'm really not intentionally doing this. I want to slow down.. however, the group does move slow in general...a lot of time is wasted getting to place instead of at the places themselves. I'm getting tired of waiting and at the same time...tired of rushing through the actual sites. 

We saw a Korean group singing "Jesus shed His blood for me." Oh how I wanted to join this group and sing:

Jesus shed his blood for me, 
bore, for our salvation 
on his cross, the agony 
of a lost creation.

Jesus, Lord, Jesus, Lord, 
for my sins they slew thee. 
Now by thy dear blood restored, 
draw the sinner to thee.

2. For what crime should he be killed, 
for his killers praying? 
Mad, that mindless mob has willed 
their Messiah's slaying

3. None there lives who does not know 
sin, bloodied as crimson; 
but the cross makes white as snow 
all in Christ's dominion.

4. Jesus, oh so fair art thou! 
My good friend, my Savior, 
thy grace, only, save me now, 
and from hell forever.

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